Thursday, March 22, 2012


Julie Araskog and Mike Medavoy
Mike Medavoy was a happy guy, surrounded by Wendy Burch, wife Irena, Julie, and Kimberly Emerson

Mike Dubelko, Julie, Dagny Dubelko

Danielle Del, Irena Medavoy, and Cheryl Woodcock
Julie Araskog is one of the kindest, sweetest people in the world. Less than two years ago, she decided to go back to school to become a lawyer, and was accepted at Notre Dame!!! She is a huge success there, and will be a valuable contributor to the world of human rights when she graduates. To celebrate her 50th, her parents, Rand and Jessie Araskog, gave her a knockout party at Soho House for her closest friends. It was a truly joyous evening, with everyone so happy for Julie. It was also an evening to celebrate true friendships and it created a very special feeling in the room.
Julie with her mom, Jessie
The gorgeous table

Irena, Dagny, and Linda Thompson

Mary-Margaret Humes, AP, Julie, Catherine Bach, and Daniella. AP and Daniella are Julie's fellow students and best friends at Notre Dame

AP, Daniella and Julie

Julie Araskog is one of the kindest, sweetest people in the world. Less than two years ago, she decided to go back to school to become a lawyer, and was accepted at Notre Dame!!! She is a huge success there, and will be a valuable contributor to the world of human rights when she graduates. To celebrate her 50th, her parents, Rand and Jessie Araskog, gave her a knockout party at Soho House for her closest friends. It was a truly joyous evening, with everyone so happy for Julie. It was also an evening to celebrate true friendships and it created a very special feeling in the room. The big private room at SOHO House was glowing. Sensational party!

Friday, March 2, 2012


It was 13 years ago today that the world lost one of the greatest voices in music history. Up in Heaven right now she and Cass Elliot and Phoebe Snow (all friends to each other as well as me) are welcoming the beautiful Whitney. What a choir........
P.S. A psychic told me Sammy Davis, Jr leads a gospel service up there.