Friday, January 31, 2014


I LOVE PALM SPRINGS, AS MOST OF YOU KNOW. I try to come here as often as possible. Who wouldn't want THIS life?

God bless dear friends Lucie Arnaz and Larry Luckinbill.

They threw a little dinner party last night so we all could play with long-time friends who now live in Palm Springs.....Emmy-winning choreographer Kevin Carlisle and John Jackson, Suzanne Somers and Alan Hamel, and sitcom and Broadway actress Valorie Armstrong.

We had a ball...breaking out in song and dance whenever the mood struck us. Fantastic!

Kevin, Alan (standing), Lucie, Suzanne, Larry, Valorie
Kevin, Valorie, Larry, Lucie, Alan, Suzanne

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I didn't even know what one was until about three years ago. Now I'm totally into it. I love that Wendy has chosen to give herself one for her 45th birthday.

How much do you love this invitation?
Can't reveal location, but it's beyond perfect.

Birthday Cutie

From my point of view, the whole thing about a Quinciniera is the DRESS. It's kind of like wearing one of the largest, fluffiest pinatas ever made. EVERY girl invited to this is "dressing" for it.
In fact, some of us are forming groups to go to downtown LA to get our dresses.

Here are some choices. What do YOU think????

 There are just so many "BEAUTIES"'s so hard to choose.

Hmm. If I were in the Miss Universe Pageant, what would I wear??

Thank you, Wendy. Seriously.

Now I need a guy in a powder blue tuxedo with matching shoes and a ruffled shirt. Are you going to supply escorts????

Sunday, January 26, 2014



WENDY BURCH IS A GOOD FRIEND AND A GOOD GIRL, if you know what I mean. She's a "girls' girl," who gets all the things we have to go through. In anticipation of her 45tth birthday (yes, she told the truth), she decided to lose 45 pounds in 45 days leading up to her birthday. She is doing great and you can read her progress on Facebook and Twitter.

Here's one of Wendy's blogs...........

I’ve been overwhelmed by how many people ‘weighed in’ on my 45 day declaration to lose some weight before I turn 45. More than 7000 read about it on Facebook, hundreds have commented and even the Huffington Post picked it up (and that was just in the first 24 hours).

So I’ve decided to keep blogging about the excess baggage I’ve been carrying around and how I plan to lighten up. People have sent me loads of diet and exercise tips. Some are inventive, others have me intrigued and there are a few that are completely insane.

Let’s start with what the skinny bitches have to say (and by that, I am referring to my girlfriends). You may know many of them… as my ‘posse’ frequently pops up on a television screen near you. These women are really wonderful and very wise on ways to stay their perfect size. Take Linda Thompson, for instance. If you don’t recognize her name, you will know one of her many claims to fame. She’s an award winning songwriter, she was a 'Hee Haw' honey—and, oh yeah, she lived with Elvis. Google her and you will see gorgeous pictures of a women who’s old enough to have an AARP card and yet still has the same body she did when she was in her 20’s.

Linda is one of my oldest friends (she loves it when I refer to her that way) but it wasn’t until yesterday that I discovered it’s not just good genes that have kept her in the same size jeans for decades. She admitted to me that she actually learned to keep off the excess from one of her ex’s. Years ago, when she was married to Bruce Jenner (yes, that Bruce Jenner), he said something to her that she has carried throughout her life. Linda was raised in a very modest household and was always told not to waste food. So, like a good Southern girl, she would clean her plate. But when Bruce ran into Linda’s life, the Olympian said to her, “You can either put the food in a garbage disposal or use your body as a garbage disposal and let it turn into waste (or waist) in your own body!”

Now, I’m not looking to win a medal here… but I would like to successfully make it over this weight loss hurdle. That’s why getting my girlfriends on my team was an important first step. I learned this week that the ladies don’t always need to lunch. My friends are more than happy to spend an hour hiking the hills with me instead. And if we do decide to dine out, my girls have already promised to hide the bread basket and drink my wine.

Speaking on wine, do you know how many calories are in a glass? I do now… thanks to a great app I just downloaded. Many of my ‘social’ friends suggested MyFitnessPal (which is really the best free app out there). But for my money, I downloaded MyNetDiary. []. It cost $9.99 (money already saved by skipping the latte’s this week). MyNetDiary has about half a million foods in its database. You type in what you eat, it adds up the calories. I also like that I can access it from the web or my mobile devices—and all the info syncs.

So, I’m counting calories while I’m counting on my girlfriends. Tomorrow I’m going to take a spin with one of them (at Soul Cycle). And tonight, I’m going to run the garbage disposal.

Friday, January 24, 2014



The Prince of Wales’s Charitable Foundation was established by The Prince of Wales in 1979. The Foundation operates primarily as a grant making trust and aims to use income raised from its trading subsidiaries to support charitable causes and make a strategic impact for good.
The Foundation has funded initiatives in the following diverse areas: International Sustainability; Education and Young People; The Built Environment; Responsible Business; Conservation; Armed Forces Welfare; Emergency Relief and Community Projects.

The team at Highgrove work with skilled craftspeople to create unique products for the home and garden. All profits from the sale of Highgrove products are paid to The Prince of Wales's Charitable Foundation.

The Prince's Charities are a group of independent not-for-profit organizations of which The Prince of Wales is President. He has carried out hundreds of engagements in support of these charitable enterprises, and together they now turn over more than £110 million per annum. The group is the largest multi-cause charitable enterprise in the United Kingdom.
The charitable organizations are active across a broad range of areas including the Built Environment, Responsible Business and Enterprise and Young People and Education. Additionally a number of social enterprises make a significant contribution by donating all of their profits to The Prince of Wales's Charitable Foundation. The charities reflect The Prince of Wales's values of harmony and sustainability and seek to address areas of previously unmet need. For further information on The Prince of Wales's Charitable Foundation, please visit
The team at Highgrove Enterprises manages the shops at Highgrove, Tetbury, Bath and the online shop.

A sample of the Prince's products. He makes great cookies!!!

A close-up of Aspinal of London's wooden box of Christmas Ornaments that made its way into the Highgrove picture above.

GAIL SACKLOFF, O.B.E, was awarded an O.B.E. by the Queen for her extensive service and enhancement of the UK by her talents in fashion. An executive of Saks Fifth Avenue in London, as well as other prestigious companies, one of Gail's specialties was bringing unknown designers to the fore in the UK. She discovered Alexander McQueen and Stella McCartney, and was the first person to bring them to the attention of the fashion industry. In fact, it was Gail, to whom Prince Charles turned to market his Highgrove products.

Gail holding her O.B.E.
Gail held a magnificent open house in my honor at her place right on the bank of the Thames. It was such a thoughtful gesture, and I met fabulous people. Everyone stayed for hours. THANK YOU, GAIL!!!!

Karl Dunkley, director of Highgrove Enterprises and owner of Grosvenor Shirts on Jermyn St. with Juan Credidio, executive director and designer of Grosvenor Shirts

Dids Macdonald, a former interior designer who founded and owns the website ACID, a company that preserves designers' copyrights, and Lorcan Mullany, fashion designer

Ellen Weston, Mark Aldridge, group marketing director of the Jacques Vert Fashion Group, and Leon, travel agent to the VIPs

Gail with her friends Diane and Brenda

A feast of everything you could ever want

Lorcan with David Sassoon, retired fashion designer who dressed all the Royals, including Diana, and many movie stars. You should see his hardcover design book!

An original Kim Novak painting hangs in Gail's living room.


When in London, theatre is THE thing. I LOVED, "Strangers on a Train." This show was taken from the Patricia Highsmith book, not the Hitchcocl movie, although if you look carefully at the production you'll see "in" jokes like a character dressed in Kim Novak's gray suit from "Vertigo." This play is standing room only. It was directed by Robert Allan Ackerman, and his direction and design are brilliant. It's a lot of black and white, old film clips, a moving train...the audience screams and gasps and cheers. Wow!

Lunch at the Ritz

The Gielgud Theatre where "Strangers" is playing.

Andrew Lloyd Webbers' new musical is another matter. It is a big BOMB in London. Too bad, because the cast is wonderful. It's a musical based on the Christine Keeler-John Profumo-Stephen Ward-Mandy-Rice-Davies Scandal.
The Theatre was only 1/3 full downstairs, with no one in the balcony. The embarrassed ushers asked all of us to move down to the orchestra. What a shame, but the music it totally forgettable. What is going on with ALW?
Last but NEVER least, God Bless Virgin Atlantic for the best lounge and best first class pods. Loved it.

Monday, January 20, 2014



While it is on the list as a tourist attraction, it is so much better than Harrods. Harrods has been destroyed by Fayed. It has lost most of its elegance because of the clientele, the lesser quality merchandise and the flash. Of course you can still find beautiful merchandise there, and who doesn't like to get lost in the food halls--but it's no where to really shop. The Brits are all going to Selfridges, which has really roared back into first place.

I like ti hang out at Fortnum's. In the first place, I named my two cats Fortnum and Mason years ago, and I miss them and that whole life very much. It has deliberately been 13 years since I have chosen to go back to London, and I realized again how much I loved it before, and was able to love it now.

Their tea plus Welsh Rarebit on a rainy afternoon.... what else is there?  
Perfume counter beauty


 While Staying at Claridge's is magnificent, I now prefer smaller hotels in neighborhoods that feel like home. 16 Sumner Place in South Kensington is a beautiful converted townhouse. It is owned by the Firmdale Group, the same group that owns the Crosby St. Hotel in NY. There is an open bar 24 hours a day, a fire going in the lounge, tea whenever you wish, a complimentary breakfast in the's wonderful. Great staff and service. Albert Finney and his wife were staying there, too.

A pro pos of nothing, Harrod's asparagus is still fat

Ellen Weston and her cousin David in the lounge having tea

The restaurant at the British Museum

Sit by the fire at Aspinal and pick out your fine leather goods

A visit to the Elgin Marbles never hurt anyone

Friday, January 17, 2014


Joan Rivers did a benefit for Wounded Warriors at the Saban Theatre tonight in Beverly Hills and got three standing ovations.

I try not to give away lines from her act because people should be surprised when they go...but here's one for you:

"Hitler wasn't all bad.....he was a recycler. Look at those lampshades."

The lead-in to the Hitler joke was all about the new Auschwitz Gift Shop....

Seen in the audience........

Joanna Carson
George Kotsiopoulous

Kelly Osbourne
George Schlatter



This is simply the most elegant ship I have ever seen. It's like going back in time to when people actually had manners. Almost no one wore jeans on the ship ever, and the dress code is NO jeans, or casual clothes after 6 p.m. in public areas. I loved that!

Every place you look is dark paneling, or bas reliefs or antique Lalique fixtures. They have three gorgeous "Grills" for dining, a pub, Todd English gourmet restaurant, and  areas for Italian, Asian, and Indian. Live music plays at appropriate times, and never loudly. There is a string quartet and jazz trio, a jazz singer, an opera singer...OMG it is magnificent. Think of the ship as a combination of the Carlyle Hotel and Buckingham Palace. What could be better?

The Brittania Grill Dining Room--Breakfast, lunch and dinner

Photo shot from Queen Mary in NY Harbor during huge storm. See tiny Statue of Liberty in bg

Yes, I made it on board. (Library)

Special thanks to Cunard executives Stanley Birge, David Webster, and Cruise Director Paul O' Loughlin. I had an incredible time giving my lectures and so appreciated the over 500 passengers who attended each lecture.

Look at this paneling!

The Queens Lounge for afternoon tea and dances

A corner of the Library

In My favorite area, The Chart Room.

Their shops are pure Rodeo Drive

Even my friends were there "in spirit."