Sunday, April 22, 2012


Colleagues President Alexandra Dwek and her daughter, Cairo

Oscar De La Renta's step-daughter, Alexandra Dwek, Sherry Lansing, Barbara Walters, Wendy Burch
Host Wendy Burch in her De La Renta dress

Wendy word hundreds of thousand$$$ from Chopard

Jolene Schlatter and Mrs. Aldrin

Lynda Thompson, Wink Martindale and his wife, Sandy

Me with Donna Antebi

Kathy Hilton and Gary Pudney

Laurie McCaskill and Vanessa Sandin
President Alexandra Dwek chaired one of the best Colleagues luncheon ever this week. Barbara Walters flew in to present an award to honoree Sherry Lansing, and Oscar De La Renta supplied the most beautiful fashions. The Colleagues were founded on 1950 by Mrs. Homer Toberman, and they have always been a very exclusive, prestigious charity. That profile was enhanced even more when Nancy Reagan joined. Everyone was raving afterward and congratulating Alexandra and Luncheon Chair Anne Johnson for a job well done. And particular kudos to the refreshing and clever MC Wendy Burch.

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