Thursday, February 28, 2013


Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON CAME INTO LA FOR ONE NIGHT to host a book party for Nicolas Berggruen, founder and president of Berggruen Holdings, a private investment company, and the Nicolas Berggruen Institute. The Institute is a think tank that addresses governance issues. Berggruen is also a philanthropist and is involved with LACMA, the Berggruen Museum in Berlin, as well as wonderful projects for citizens of the world. He has formed the 21st Century Council for the world, The Council for the Future of Europe, and his California Project is called The Think Long Committee for California.  Members of that committee Eli Broad and Eric Schmidt (GOOGLE) were at the gathering. His latest book is:

Intelligent Governance for the 21st Century: A Middle Way between West and East by Nicolas Berggruen and Nathan Gardels

Nicolas Berggruen

Al Checchi, Kathryn Checchi, Carol Biondi, Frank Biondi, Molly Munger and guest

Nicolas, Nathan Gardels, Arianna, Steve Martin listening to Antonio Villaraigosa

Victoria Foyt and Chris Pardell

 Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa introduced Berggruen and Gardels to the eager crowd.Among the attendees were Carol and Frank Biondi, Molly Munger, Al and Kathryn Checchi, Steve Martin, Edye Broad, author Victoria Foyt and sculptor Chris Pardell. Arianna still has her westside home, even though she now lives back east. Glad the house is still here. So many great memories there.

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