Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Colleagues President Alexandra Dwek hosted this spring's luncheon at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel honoring Wallis Annenberg, featuring fashions by Oscar de la Renta. The Colleagues are those wonderful women who give endlessly to Children's Institute Inc.. For more than 100 years, CII has worked to help Los Angeles children who have been exposed to abuse, violence and other trama. CII serves more than 17,000 children and their families in our city's most challenged neighboorhoods: trains more than 9,000 professionals in the areas of child development, mental health and welfare; works to shape the field of children 's services through innovative research and model programs at can be replicated nationwide.
President Alexandra Dwek

The biggest happening of the day was the surprise announcement by Wallis Annenberg that she was giving a $500, 000 check to their Institute.
Wallis Annenberg--Thank you, kind person

The VIP Room upstairs was lined with Oscar de la Renta models on a runway showing off fashions. Downstairs the room looked like an elegant spring fairyland. Bravo to these lovely ladies who try to make the world a better place.

Mary Martin and Ames Cushing

MC Wendy Burch holds and uses her bull horn to be heard at these luncheons!!!!

Marcia Hobbs
Carol Biondi
Bridget Keller and Nevada Cook

Beverly Wilshire banquet room

Alyce Williamson and Anne Johnson

Joni Smith
Thank you, Irena !!!!!

Yes, Cairo Dwek wants to become a model. Good idea!

Danielle Del, her daughter, Charlotte, Cairo Dwek and mom Alexandra

Alexandra, Wendy and Cairo Dwek

Linda Thompson, Wendy Burch, Vanessa Sandin

Cynthia Yorkin and Wendy Stark

Larissa Sabadash

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