Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Rachael Worby, the former conductor of the Pasadena Pops believes that music should be an emotional ride encompassing all forms. Hence, she left them and formed her own orchestra, MUSE/IQUE. She took with her most of the sponsors, and hand-picked the players she wanted in her orchestra. It debuted on the lawn in front of Beckman Hall at Cal Tech, and was a glorious evening with legend Jessye Norman. Miss Norman sang Ellington, spirituals, Leonard Bernstein, and more, and received several standing ovations. Angela Bassett made a surprise appearance to recite, "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings," and new works  were premiered from young composers Peter Knell and Ben Lear.

Model Leon Bing and her boyfriend Gareth Siegel, plus entertainment producers Robert Ell, Greg Gugliotta, and FJ Denny and I savored every moment---as well as food and wine from Bristol Farms.

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