Monday, December 22, 2014


Joyce Arad, Irena, Florence Sloan, Nadine Schiff and Katherine Ross Govan

I HAVE KNOWN IRENA MEDAVOY SINCE SHE WAS 21 YEARS OLD. SHE IS ONE OF THE KINDEST, MOST LOYAL FRIENDS YOU COULD EVER HAVE. The key to Irena is family. That's where her heart is, and this Christmas lunch was no exception. For Irena, it's all about the people. I truly love her. And, she served Craig's Honey Chicken!!!!!

Anjelica Huston and Nadine

Kimberly Beck, Danielle Del, Alexandra Dwek, Irena, Cheryl Saban, and Linda Thompson

Thank you, Danielle. I'm still short!

Danielle and Kimberly

Louise Linton (starring in Warren Beatty's new film), Linda, Cynthia Yorkin, Lindy Benson

Nadine, Nicole Avant, Jennifer Stallone, Victoria Oberfelt

Irena, Wendy Goldberg, Nicole and Katherine

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